Trailer for Laughter in Hell | Quotes from the Book
Compiled by: Tina Nixon
Music by: Heather Adams - America the Beautiful
Dedicated to the veterans of World War II who came to know the full meaning of the work "hell" in the prison camps of Japan, and especially to the "Phils" who were imprisoned with us at Umeda and Tsuruga.
Was it luck-or was it Providence? The boys say Providence. The last minute their lives
were spared and on January 10, 1942, they sailed for Japan, arriving five days later a
Zentsuji Camp on the island of Shikoku.
After we'd been in the bunsho about five months, however, the food shortage really got serious in earnest. The grain season was over and food of every kind was less and less plentiful. The Japanese themselves had taken a ration cut. The army was still on a straight rice diet although the civilians were getting half-rice and half-barley.
Memories as the men recollected of their life while imprisoned during WWII in Japan. Many never made it back. Many had to keep their whits about them through the Hell they had to live in. Read Laughter in Hell to understand what these brave men went through.
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